Selecting the right mental health professional for gender non-conforming children

Finding the right mental health professional for gender non-conforming children can be difficult. Hear what Dr. Johanna Olson, from Children's Hospital, LA, has to say about making sure you are making the right medical decisions.
Selecting the right mental health professional for gender non-conforming children | Kids in the House
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Selecting the right mental health professional for gender non-conforming children

Any mental health therapist has the ability to deal with this, but it is very important for a parent to suss out how that person feels about gender non-conforming children. I have had the experience with young people coming into my practice, and they’ve been to a therapist who tells them they're doing all the wrong things by supporting their child, that has guided them to a more reparative model. "Let me help you fix your child to not be transgender." And that’s so harmful to young people. It’s so important that they get a mental health therapist who provides an affirming model, which means they support that person’s authentic gender, and they help work through all of those challenges, help them face those challenges, and really build what I call a :resiliency toolbox". This is going to be their kit that they have at the ready for all of these really undeniable issues that they are going to face in adolescence.

Finding the right mental health professional for gender non-conforming children can be difficult. Hear what Dr. Johanna Olson, from Children's Hospital, LA, has to say about making sure you are making the right medical decisions.


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Johanna Olson, MD

Medical Director, Center for Transyouth Health and Development, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Johanna Olson, MD is a pediatrician in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and Medical Director of the hospital’s Center for Transyouth Health and Development.  She specializes in the care of transgender youth, gender variant children, youth with HIV, and chronic pain. Board certified in Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Dr. Olson is also an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. She has appeared on ABC's 20/20, The Dr. Phil Show, CNN, Dateline NBC and The Doctors to educate audiences about the needs of transgender youth.

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