Talking to children about posting photos online
National Cyber Security Expert Theresa Payton shares advice for parents on the importance of talking to your children about the pictures that they post on the internet
Pictures being posted online, really touchy subject.
Here's some advice. For those kids that are on Facebook, a lot of people don't realize that there is a feature on there. You cannot be tagged in a photo without your permission. You can actually turn that feature on, so you get a notification if somebody is trying to do that. That's only for Facebook. That doesn't cover everything else.
What I often tell parent to do is, the best time to have this conversation is back to school night or a PTO meeting, where you as a school, talk about posting pictures. On a small level, get a group of parents together or talk to them one-on-one and talk about this taboo subject; posting pictures online and emailing pictures. Here are these rules I'm giving my kids, have you talked about these rules with your kids?
Either your friends are like-minded, like you are, and they've probably already done that, or they haven't considered it. That's going to be the best time to nip it in the bud.
If you have a situation where pictures are being posted, and they are inappropriate, you have a few areas of recourse. One, you can contact the parents and ask that it be taken down. Two, you can contact the site and go through a formal request for that. It takes a long time. Not real fun, but it's worth a shot.
The third, it can be a teachable moment with your kid, as far as, asking when people are taking photos or when you are acting out. Tell your kids when people are taking photos to ask what they are going to do with that, and please ask my permission first.
National Cyber Security Expert Theresa Payton shares advice for parents on the importance of talking to your children about the pictures that they post on the internet
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Theresa M. PaytonNational Cyber Security Expert
Theresa Payton is a well-known and highly respected national authority on cybersecurity, e-crime and fraud mitigation, and technology implementation. She has over twenty years of advanced business and security technology expertise and leadership at the highest levels of government and in the financial services industry, including being the first woman to serve as Chief Information Officer at the White House. She is a wife and mother to three fabulous and fun kids. She is also the co-author of the newly released book Protecting Your Internet Identity: Are You Naked Online? and the founder of the S.A.F.E. Kids initiative - a classroom-based, digital safety program.
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