Governing child's internet use
Randall Devine, FBI Special Agent and Child Online Safety Expert, shares advice for parents on the importance of them governing their child's internet usage
An interesting thing happens a lot of times when adults perceive that the children have an expertise on the Internet and about computers that they don’t. They frequently abdicate responsibility and authority over their children on the Internet.
And I would draw this comparison – if a child were to take a shop class and learn everything there is to know about an internal combustion engine and they completed the class, what’s the likelihood that they would be thrown the car keys and say, “Enjoy the 405 freeway at 2 o’clock in the morning.” It would never ever happen.
So the idea that they might know more than you about the automobile doesn’t mean that you’re not in the position to teach them how to drive or to govern their use of the automobile. So just because a child might know more about the use of the Internet doesn’t mean that they understand the possible misuses of the Internet or more to the point, maybe the misuses of adults using the Internet.
Randall Devine, FBI Special Agent and Child Online Safety Expert, shares advice for parents on the importance of them governing their child's internet usage
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Randall DevineFBI Agent
Randall Devine is a Special Agent with the FBI working in the Los Angeles area.
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