How can I get online content removed that involves my child?

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How can I get online content removed that involves my child? | Kids in the House
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How can I get online content removed that involves my child?

If you discover that one of your child's friends has posted a content about your child that you don't want appearing online, then you need to do four things. First, you need to immediately go to the parent of that child and kindly ask them to take down the content. You need to explain to them that your family is very careful about what's posted online and you ask them to respect your privacy and take down the content. Second, you should let the other parents know within your child's social circle about what your family rules are relating to content. So that in the future, if there's ever an opportunity for someone else to post something about your child, that parent knows, "We shouldn't do that, we don't want to post anything about that specific child." The third thing that you can do is set up a Google Alert with your child's name; that way if anything is ever posted about your child online, you will be alerted to it and you can make sure that that content comes down. Finally, you should be talking to your child about what your family policy is. So together as a team with your child, when they share with their friends, "No, please don't post anything about me online," you together can proactively avoid the situation from occurring in the future.

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Mary Kay Hoal

Family Internet Safety Expert

Mary Kay Hoal is a nationally recognized expert on children’s online safety. She is the founder and president of Yoursphere Media Inc., which focuses on the family and publishes the kids’ social network Mary Kay also offers parents Internet-safety information and tips at She has been profiled on CNN, Fox & Friends, FOX Business, E!, Lifetime TV, ABC News Now, and The Reader's Digest. Mary Kay is also part of the "Web Avenger" team for ABC's 20/20.

In 2012, Mary Kay founded The Yoursphere Media Foundation and Coalition for Internet Safety Education and Reform (FCISER), which is dedicated to creating a network of community educators that provide children, their parents, schools and communities, with the necessary skills, knowledge and tools they need to have a positive and safer digital experience.

Mary Kay has also been published on sites such as, Yahoo! Shine and ABC News where she's able to reach millions of parents. 


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