Limiting baby proofing by making off-limit rooms

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Limiting baby proofing by making off-limit rooms | Kids in the House
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Limiting baby proofing by making off-limit rooms

Really the most cost effective way to child proof your home is to establish what I call off limits rooms. There are some rooms in the house where your child really doesn't need to be. For Example. the garage, that is an obvious one, the office, some homes have gyms. There is also areas where there is some sort of a loft,a terrace. Some moms have craft rooms. They are just chocking hazards galore. You want to keep your baby out. The best way to do that is to lock the door twice. Make sure that you have a child proofing device on the knob, and then there are some other items that you can use on the top of the door. Because as we are living our life and moving in and out of our rooms in our home we often forget to close that door behind us. But if you have 2 layers of protection it is going to ensure that your child is safe. Another great option to create an off limits room is to use a baby gate. You can put it right there in the doorway. If in fact you do choose to step over it make sure that you do it when your child is not looking. Because they are going to try and do the same thing.

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Kimberlee Mitchell

Child Safety Expert

Kimberlee's callling is to be a wife and momma to two amazing kids. As a national child safety expert, in the unintentional child injury prevention industry, her mission is to educate parents as to how they can arm themselves with critical informaiton and the best practices to keep their children safe from needless serious injury. She hopes to help curb injury and death due to parents overlooking both common and hidden child safety hazzards in the home, yard, and car. The best protection is prevention....get ahead of the curve and childproof during pregnancy!

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