Nursing difficulties

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Nursing difficulties

Nursing is so much more difficult than anybody explains to you before you have kids. Everybody talks about the labor, but it's the nursing that is really hard. You don't have to do labor at 2:00 o'clock in the morning for two years with your kid. I found the best thing that I did was to talk to other moms who had nursed successfully, not just in the beginning and had been discouraged, but had nursed for a long time. I also sought out help from lactation consultants -- I think two or three even -- and was just open to input from other moms who had nursed. It is hard. You had a baby and you think that this should come naturally to me. I should be able to do this right away. The fact is that you've never done this before and your baby has never done this before. You are both learning. There is a learning curve. It is a dance and you both have to have the right steps. It takes a lot of patience. Knowing that you can do it. It's a big confidence gain, knowing that you have enough milk and that you can feed this child. I find that supporting yourself with people who support your choices is good because there are a lot of people who want to help you fail. The people who say, "You can't do this. You don't have enough milk." The truth is, you need supportive people around you.

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Zoe Rogers


Zoe Rogers lives in Santa Monica with her husband and two kids, ages six and two. 

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