Tips for air travel with a baby or toddler
See Zoe Rogers's video on Tips for air travel with a baby or toddler...
Good tips for flying with kids.
Bring beloved snacks, toys, books, and have them disappear for about a week before. When you get on the plane, this is a wonderful place with their book or their toy. Who wouldn't want to be on this plane for three hours, or however long it's taking you to get there.
With a younger child, I would nurse during ascent and descent to make sure their ears equalized. For a child who is not nursing, maybe not let them have water for an hour, give them some salty chips. Get their thirst going; so that when you are going up in the air and back down, they are eager to drink and get their ears normalized. Otherwise, it's a long flight with a screaming child for three hours.
We tried to make it fun. I had a girlfriend who bought drinks for the three rows around her because she knew that her child was a screamer. You just, sort of, tackle it as best you can.
See Zoe Rogers's video on Tips for air travel with a baby or toddler...
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Zoe RogersStay-At-Home-Mom
Zoe Rogers lives in Santa Monica with her husband and two kids, ages six and two.
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