Creating healthy sleep arrangements for the whole family

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Creating healthy sleep arrangements for the whole family | Kids in the House
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Creating healthy sleep arrangements for the whole family

The best helpful sleep tips that I can think of for the whole family is something that I read in a book years ago that said, "The best method for your family is whatever method gets your family the most sleep." So, for us, we weren't totally comfortable doing a cry-it-out method so we wound up putting a bed on the floor of our son's room and that way we didn't worry about him falling out of it. He was already crawling out of a crib so that was scary. So, we just put a mattress on the floor and one of us would go in and cuddle with him, and we just did whatever got us the most sleep, and we found out our kids got the most sleep when one of us was in bed with them so my husband and I would take turns. One night I would be on, the other night he would be on, but we'd be in the bed with our kid, and everybody got what they needed, which was sleep.

Watch Zoe Rogers's video on Creating healthy sleep arrangements for the whole family...


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Zoe Rogers


Zoe Rogers lives in Santa Monica with her husband and two kids, ages six and two. 

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