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Breastfeeding Challenges

Not Enough Breast Milk

If you don't have enough Breast Milk, then the first and foremost important thing to do is to increase breast stimulation. So if you have a good nursing baby, we want moms to increase her time at breast as much as she can throughout day and night. If the baby's a so-so nurser, we'll have the moms again attempt to nurse as much as possible, but we're gonna follow it up with some pumping, so that the breasts get added stimulation.

Foods to Increase Breast Milk

Foods to Increase Breast Milk are hard to identify. However, dark beer may work. There's really no good clinical trials to show that it works or doesn't work. And what may be helpful in dark beer are the hops and grains. Again, we're not really sure. It's anecdotal, it's mother tells mother. And two herbs that people think may be helpful are fennel and fenugreek. Although food is not nearly as important as we once thought, mothers certainly need to be well nourished with good healthy food.

How to Increase Breastmilk Supply Home Remedies

The next thing to help moms with is rest, ... Read more

Author and blogger Jill Smokler gives advice for moms who fear that they are being judged for not breastfeeding their kids and shares her personal experience on the... read more
Struggling with breastfeeding? You are not alone! Many women consider stopping breastfeeding because they think they are not producing enough milk for their baby.... read more
Lactation Consultant Corky Harvey, IBCLC, shares advice for breastfeeding mothers on what to do when your baby begins losing interest in nursing and how it is often... read more
Ashleigh W.
The first and most important decision a mother will make for her newborn is the decision to breastfeed.
Founder and CEO of Kids in the House, Leana Greene, shares her personal experience with breastfeeding challenges and how she overcame them.
Actress and mother Alysia Reiner talks about how her husband helped her breastfeed and what dads can do to help moms get the hang of breastfeeding
Jill Smokler, Author & Owner of Scary Mommy, shares her experience of struggling to breast feed her children.
Alisa Donner, co-founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month, shares her personal challenges as a mother and how she overcame them.
Lactation Consultant Corky Harvey explains how a lactation consultant can help a mother with low milk supply.
Are you worried that you don't have enough breastmilk? Let Corky Harvey, lactation expert, reassure you that you will have enough breastmilk to help your child grow and... read more
Prenatal Chiropractor Elliot Berlin, DC, explains what cranio-sacral therapy is and how it benefits newborn babies
Joshua Sparrow, Child Psychiatrist & Author, explains why it's common for four-month-olds to become distracted during breastfeeding and shares tips on how to overcome it.
Shoshana Bennett, Clinical Psychologist & Postpartum Specialist, explains why women on antidepressant medications cannot breastfeed.
OBGYN Jay Goldberg, MD, shares advice for women who have had breast implants or breast reduction surgery on breastfeeding
Jennifer Davidson, Lactation Specialist, answers whether or not it is possible for a mother to pass a virus or illness to her baby through breastmilk.
Gina Osher, Parenting Coach & Blogger, offers advice new mothers on how to make breastfeeding with twins a simpler task
Wendy Haldeman, Lactation Specialist, explains the symptoms and treatments of thrush.
Wendy Haldeman, Lactation Specialist, explains the treatments for mastitis.
View Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC's video on Breastfeeding while pregnant...
Lactation Specialist Wendy Haldeman shares advice on how to treat nipple blisters caused by breastfeeding
Watch Video: Nursing difficulties by Zoe Rogers, ...
Watch Video: How to help moms who feel uncomfortable breastfeeding by Sarah McCormick, MA, CLE, ...
Lactation Specialist Wendy Haldeman shares advice for mothers who struggle with low milk supply on a few natural supplements that can increase breast milk flow
View Zoe Rogers's video on Public nursing tips...
Learn about: Tips for pumping from Monica Gregory,...
Learn about: What causes mastitis? from Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC,...
Learn about: Breastfeeding a preemie from Amanda Knickerbocker,...
Psychiatrist SuEllen Hamkins, MD, shares advice for women who have been sexual abused or deal with trauma on how to feel more comfortable when breastfeeding
Watch Zoe Rogers's video on Tips to help with nursing...
Learn about: What should I do if my baby wants to nurse every hour? from Jennifer Davidson, RN, BSC, IBCLC,...
See Jennifer Davidson, RN, BSC, IBCLC's video on Why breastfeeding hurts sometimes...
Do you have fears that your breastmilk supply is too low and that your baby is not getting enough food? Watch this video to learn about 5 ways to increase breastmilk... read more
View Monica Gregory's video on Challenges of exclusively pumping...
Lactation Specialist Wendy Haldeman shares advice for nursing mothers's on the best ways to help increase your breastmilk supply when you are worried that it may be... read more
Watch Monica Gregory's video on What an exclusive pumping mom needs...
Watch Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC's video on Resolving a nursing strike...
Lactation Specialist Wendy Haldeman, IBCLC, shares advice for breastfeeding mothers on what to do when your baby is biting while breastfeeding
Learn about: Entertaining older children while nursing from Zoe Rogers,...
Learn about: Support for moms who are exclusive pumpers from Monica Gregory,...
Watch Video: Issues and solutions for excess breastmilk production by Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC, ...
Watch Monica Gregory's video on Not pumping enough milk...
See Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC's video on Donor Breastmilk...
See Monica Gregory's video on Bonding with your baby while pumping...
Watch Monica Gregory's video on Exclusively pumping...
Learn about: Pumping at work from Monica Gregory,...
Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC Lactation Specialist, shares advice for women with twins on how to breastfeed with twins or multiples
Learn about: Medications to increase milk production from Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC,...
Watch Video: Avoiding nipple confusion by Laura Dahl, ...

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