What an exclusive pumping mom needs

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What an exclusive pumping mom needs

The thought of exclusively pumping might completely intimidate you in regards to all the things you are going to need, but really, there isn't all that much to it. I pumped for eighteen months for my children, and did so with a dual electric breast pump and milk storage bags. That was it. Granted, there are bottles and nursing pads, but those things you are going to need whether bottle feeding or nursing anyway. Exclusively pumping was not any harder than any of the other feeding options I would have had.

Watch Monica Gregory's video on What an exclusive pumping mom needs...


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Monica Gregory


Monica Gregory is 30-something stay-at-home-mom whose journey to motherhood has been anything but smooth.  Seven pregnancies, two chemical pregnancies, one twin miscarriage, one VBAC stillbirth, two C-sections, and a total of 11 months on bedrest don't make her an expert on pregnancy or parenting, but they do make her passionate about her role as mother.  Before relocating from Ohio to Nashville, TN, for her husband's job, Monica was a commercial insurance agent. Today, she spends her days with Seth, three, Erin, one, and new baby James, sweeping up graham crackers, playing trains, blogging and cooking...all to the strains of Nick, Jr. in the background.

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