Nipple blisters and breastfeeding
Lactation Specialist Wendy Haldeman shares advice on how to treat nipple blisters caused by breastfeeding
Blisters on nipples are a fairly common occurrence.
The first thing you want to look at is, why did you get that blister on your nipple. Something happened between mom and baby to cause it. Either you weren't getting your nipple deep enough into your baby's mouth or your baby's oral anatomy is such that your baby is raising that suction blister. That is really painful.
If we figure out why you got it, we can try and fix it. Don't break it. It will heal on it's own. Once we figure out if it's your latch, hopefully, we will cure it and you won't get another one.
Lactation Specialist Wendy Haldeman shares advice on how to treat nipple blisters caused by breastfeeding
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Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLCLactation Specialist
Wendy Haldeman, MN, RN, IBCLC is a co-founder of the Pump Station and Nurtury. She received both her nursing and lactation education at UCLA, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and a certified Happiest Baby on the Block instructor. She lectures frequently on human lactation at medical and nursing schools and has been identified by publications, such as Fit Pregnancy, as an expert in her field. Wendy facilitates the New Mother Support groups, and teaches the prenatal Breastfeeding and Baby Care Classes at The Pump Station. She and her husband Tim are proud of their two grown daughters and their 15 month old granddaughter.
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