Breast pump recommendations

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Breast pump recommendations

New mothers always want to know what pump they should use. It's a tough question to answer because there's no one pump for all mothers. I would suggest that moms do some research on their own and go online and see what pumps are getting good reviews. The two companies that I have the most experience with and I can recommend because I know they're good companies that stand behind their product and I've been using them for about 30 years. One of them is called Medela and the other one is Ameda, and they both make a number of different pumps; I think they're quite good and reliable. As far as when to pump and how often to pump, that really depends on what the mother's needs are. A mother who's going back to the workplace full-time is certainly going to do a lot more pumping than a mom who's staying at home and offers the baby an occasional bottle. For example, if you have a stay-at-home mom, she may pump once a week because that's how often she offers her baby a bottle. If you have a mom who's in the workplace, she's pumping three or four times a day to make enough milk for her baby in daycare. So it really depends on what her needs are.
BABY, Bottle Feeding, Pumping

View Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC's video on Breast pump recommendations...


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Wendy Haldeman, RN, MN, IBCLC

Lactation Specialist

Wendy Haldeman, MN, RN, IBCLC is a co-founder of the Pump Station and Nurtury. She received both her nursing and lactation education at UCLA, is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), and a certified Happiest Baby on the Block instructor. She lectures frequently on human lactation at medical and nursing schools and has been identified by publications, such as Fit Pregnancy, as an expert in her field. Wendy facilitates the New Mother Support groups, and teaches the prenatal Breastfeeding and Baby Care Classes at The Pump Station. She and her husband Tim are proud of their two grown daughters and their 15 month old granddaughter.

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