Excessive exercising and eating disorders
Watch Video: Excessive exercising and eating disorders by Meg Newman, MS, LMFT, ...
You should start to worry if your child is exercising excessively, if they seem really rigid about it – that’s one sign to look for. If they seem like they can’t miss a day, or they can’t miss a practice, or they can’t miss these certain sit ups that they do, and they seem really rigid around their practice of exercise – that’s a concern. It’s also a concern if they’re not eating enough to supplement the amount of calories that they’re burning. If they’re passing out, if they’re getting really tired and fatigued, it’s really important to make sure that they’re having enough intake of the right amounts and the right types of foods to supplement the exercise. And it’s also really important that if you see some of these concerns, that you seek help right away – first take them to the doctor and make sure that their levels are okay, and then, of course, afterward maybe seek some eating disorder specific help.
Watch Video: Excessive exercising and eating disorders by Meg Newman, MS, LMFT, ...
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Meg Newman, MS, LMFTTherapist
Meg Newman is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Venice and Tarzana CA. Meg is also a mother and stepmom. Meg has worked as a therapist with children and teens focusing on a variety of issues concerning anxiety, eating disorders, body image, substance abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Meg is native to Los Angeles and loves spending time with family, as well as snowboarding as often as possible.
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