Stepparent challenges

Meg Newman, MS, Marriage and Family Therapist, shares advice for step-parents on how to overcome the most common difficulties that stepparents face
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Stepparent challenges

Some of the challenges of being a stepparent, for me also being a therapist, is not to be her therapist, but to be a friend and support to their parents. Allowing them to be the parents. Also, some of the feelings that arise out of being the step-child. She has been angry, acting out a little bit, and not taking it personally, and being as clear and consistent with her as I can. She was upset when we decided to get married. We had a great relationship before, but the idea of us getting married really set in for her, that her parents really weren't going to be getting back together. The anger came out towards me. Trying to not take it personally was a really hard thing to do.

Meg Newman, MS, Marriage and Family Therapist, shares advice for step-parents on how to overcome the most common difficulties that stepparents face


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Meg Newman, MS, LMFT


Meg Newman is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Venice and Tarzana CA. Meg is also a mother and stepmom. Meg has worked as a therapist with children and teens focusing on a variety of issues concerning anxiety, eating disorders, body image, substance abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. Meg is native to Los Angeles and loves spending time with family, as well as snowboarding as often as possible.

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