Divorcing when only one of you wants it

Watch Laura Wasser's video on Divorcing when only one of you wants it...
Divorcing when only one of you wants it | Kids in the House
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Divorcing when only one of you wants it

This video is about: considering divorce, amicable divorce, hurt feelings after divorce, divorce counseling, divorce process

Watch Laura Wasser's video on Divorcing when only one of you wants it...


Expert Bio

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Laura Wasser

Family Law Attorney

Laura has been a family law practitioner for nearly 20 years. Her practice focuses on the separation and reconfiguration of families. Being a child of divorce, and having personal and professional experience in this field, she believes that she can do better for the children of today and help with an oxymoron: a “good divorce”. Laura is the author of It Doesn't Have to be That Way: How to Divorce Without Destroying Your Family or Bankrupting Yourself.

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