Meet Janet Lansbury

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Meet Janet Lansbury

Hi. I'm Janet Lansbury. I'm a parent educator specializing in the infant and toddler years. I love what I do. The philosophy I teach is based on the work of Magda Gerber who was my mentor many years ago and had a profound effect on my life. It’s all about treating babies as whole people from the very beginning and respecting them and I teach it through parent infant and toddler classes and also through my blog, I have three children. The oldest is a freshman at Stanford University this year. I also have a 14-year-old and a 10-year-old and they keep me very happily busy. I have a great husband who is totally supportive and I have very little free time but when I do, I like to go for a ride at the beach or take a hip hop class. I love dancing.
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Janet Lansbury

RIE Parenting Expert

Janet Lansbury is a parenting advisor, writer and teacher. She has served on the board of directors of Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) for over a decade, written childcare articles and been a frequent presenter at early childhood conferences. A former actress/model (Janet Julian), Janet found her true calling when she gave birth to her first child and sought guidance from renowned infant expert Magda Gerber. Inspired and mentored by Gerber in the early 1990s, Janet became a RIE Parent/Infant Guidance Class instructor and has since had the privilege of providing support and guidance to thousands of parents and caregivers throughout Los Angeles. Most recently, she has become a prolific and influential parenting blogger with a worldwide following.

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