Life threatening food allergies

Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice on how some food allergies can be life threatening
Life Threatening Food Allergies
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Life threatening food allergies

Food allergies can be life threatening because of the bodies reaction to the food that is either ingested, sometimes touched, sometimes inhaled. The bodies reaction is to save itself. What can happen is that a person, not just a child, can have hives,can be on one local area, can be all over. But also it can start to break down some of your body parts. So that means it can enlarge your tongue to block your airway. You can have what happens with my daughter when she has had a severe reaction is she starts to cough. She also has the excema. She also has asthma. So that increases the likelihood that if she has a bad reaction it is going to get bad fast. It is life threatening because if you can't breathe because of the allergic reaction blocking your airway then you could die.

Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice on how some food allergies can be life threatening


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Joyce Machin

Mom & Occupational Therapist

Joyce Jung Machin is a wife and mother of two beautiful girls - Maya and Ella. She is a pediatric occupational therapist with over 15 years of experience. She's been able to travel to many countries, complete triathlons, and work with orphans overseas. By far, her greatest pride is her family.  Maya, seven years old, has multiple food allergies - wheat, dairy, fish, shellfish, nuts, tree nuts, and sesame. Joyce’s love for cooking has allowed many well-loved family dinners that are safe for all.

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