Diagnosing your child's food allergies
Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice for parents on the common signs and symptoms that may mean that your young child has food allergies
My daughter got diagnosed with food allergies at six months of age. And what had happened before that was when we tried solid foods, we gave her rice, cereal and sweet potato, she had eczema. She had a humongous eczema flair. And that just meant that her skin got really raw. She scratched. She rubbed and her eyes got really swollen shut because of what she had eaten. And subsequently, we were able to get bloodwork done called the rast test. And it was delineated that she had multiple food allergies. She is allergic to wheat and dairy, nuts, treenuts, shellfish, and sesame. And at that time, she was also allergic to soy and egg. So with the bloodwork and with the use of our pediatrician and our allergist, we found out that she has multiple allergies.
Joyce Machin, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, shares advice for parents on the common signs and symptoms that may mean that your young child has food allergies
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Joyce MachinMom & Occupational Therapist
Joyce Jung Machin is a wife and mother of two beautiful girls - Maya and Ella. She is a pediatric occupational therapist with over 15 years of experience. She's been able to travel to many countries, complete triathlons, and work with orphans overseas. By far, her greatest pride is her family. Maya, seven years old, has multiple food allergies - wheat, dairy, fish, shellfish, nuts, tree nuts, and sesame. Joyce’s love for cooking has allowed many well-loved family dinners that are safe for all.
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