What are the first steps of equally shared parenting?

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What are the first steps of equally shared parenting?

Many couple start out their parenting, from the minute their children are born, as equal parents if they ascribe to this life style but many of us don't do that. We come from more traditional relationships and realize something isn't quite right. This isn't exactly the life we'd envisioned for ourselves and we want to move more towards Equally Shared Parenting. The way to begin to think about that before you take any baby steps toward doing it or any large steps for that matter, is to have a philosophical conversation together as a couple about what you really want your relationship to be and what you both want in your life, what matters to each of you. And if Equally Shared Parenting is truly the answer, then you've got the one ingredient you need for successful Equally Shared Parenting and that is two willing partners. if you can get both people on board and they both believe in all the wonderful things that they can get from this lifestyle, then you're ready to make those baby steps which I would suggest be a couple of experiments. Say you have a father who works full time and a mom who's at home full time with the kids. Try an experiment such as making Daddy Day Saturday afternoons. Then the father's home with the children Saturdays, really involved and home with his kids while his wife may be out taking a course to prepare herself to re-enter the work place. So you're both working toward, in little steps, things that will get you to share in the bread-winning domain and equally share in the child-raising domain. Once you've had some success under your belt with a couple of experiments, you're ready to make a bigger leap at some point to get to the point where you're actually, truly sharing in all of the aspects of your lives together.

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Amy Vachon


Marc and Amy Vachon are the authors of Equally Shared Parenting: Rewriting the Rules for a New Generation of Parents, and founders of www.equallysharedparenting.com. They are dedicated to helping parents achieve their dream of an equal partnership, and to providing both mothers and fathers with a roadmap to a balanced life of parenting, breadwinning, homemaking and time for self. Their work has been covered by the New York Times, Boston Globe, Guardian (UK), Fitness Magazine, The Today Show, Parenting, and other media. They have written their own personal story of equally shared parenting in One Big Happy Family, an anthology by Rebecca Walker. Amy is a clinical pharmacy director, and Marc is an information technology manager. They live in Watertown, Massachusetts with their two children, ages 11 and 8.

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