Empowering kids to choose their own paths

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Empowering kids to choose their own paths | Kids in the House
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Empowering kids to choose their own paths

I have 3 boys, and I've always let them decide on the path they want to take. You know, my eldest son is into politics. He wants to be a lawyer. He wants to run for office. He's a good public speaker. And my middle son, he has chosen to be more a business type of person. He's in 6th grade. He's been selling on the internet. And now at 15 he has a pretty successful business. And I've never told him to join the company,you know, the family business. They've always chosen what they want to do. So I don't push them into selling auto parts. They do what they want to do. I would never make them to join me, where I had to be enslaved for 35 year at the auto part store. So Cain's building his business, my other son is building his, and my oldest son has his own career. So whatever they chose is what they want to do. They will be happy at what they want to do.

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George Monroy

Father of Caine

George Monroy is the father of three sons and the owner of Smart Parts in East LA. His life changed dramatically when his son’s homemade arcade, Caine’s Arcade, was discovered and filmed, garnering over seven million views worldwide. 

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