Impact on a marriage when you have twins
Gina Osher, Parenting Coach and Blogger, shares advice for parents having twins on how it can impact your marriage and how to remain close
I think any time you have children your marriage and partnership is going to change. Having twins is an incredibly overwhelming experience, especially in the beginning, and what I usually will tell my clients is that one of the great things about it is that the mother needs more help and so the father or the partner definitely has to be more involved. So it is just a great chance to bring that other person in to understand what it’s like to parent and to really be involved in all of the ins and outs of what goes on every day. So in that respect, I think, it’s really a wonderful thing for your marriage.
Gina Osher, Parenting Coach and Blogger, shares advice for parents having twins on how it can impact your marriage and how to remain close
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Gina OsherTwin Mom & Blogger
Gina Osher, the daughter of world-wandering hippies, is a former holistic healer turned parenting coach and mother of boy/girl twins. She is also the author of the blog, The Twin Coach in which she offers advice, bares her soul, works though her imperfect parenting moments and continues on her journey to be a more joyful parent. Gina is dedicated to helping others find both a deeper understanding of themselves and a stronger connection to the children they love.
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