Symptoms, treatment and consequences of Chlamydia

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Symptoms, treatment and consequences of Chlamydia


So Chlamydia is kind of a tricky illness because you could have no symptoms whatsoever or you could actually manifest symptoms that you would expect with a sexually transmitted infection; such as a vaginal discharge, maybe a bad odor from the vaginal area, may be burning when you urinate. So can compass all of those symptoms, there are no symptoms at all. The good news is we have treatment for chlamydia. So you can just take antibiotics one time dose usually with antibiotic called Solithromycin and you are cured. The important thing is that you have to abstain or hold off from having sex with your partner for at least a week after you’ve been treated because it takes about that long to ensure that you’ve completely killed the infection. The other important part is that your partner also has to receive treatment otherwise they are just going to re infect you. So you need to wait 7 days or a week after each one of you has been treated. So hopefully you are both treated on the same day. If not then you need to wait a week from whoever was treated last. If you don’t go and get treatment, let’s say you are noticing symptoms and you are like Ummm, I just want to deny that anything is happening. I don’t want to know that I've got picked up some type of infection or that there is something wrong with me. Then the worst case scenario would be is that the infection will move up from just the vaginal area into the uterus and possibly into your Fallopian tubes and at that point the infection is called Pelvic Inflammatory Disease; because it’s involving the entire pelvic organs. And the long term consequence of that is fertility. The other long term consequence is chronic pelvic pain. So you could always have pain in that area even though the infection has been effectively treated and cleared but you still could have pain with sex or just pain when walking around and just in your everyday life. So that’s why if you engage in unprotected sex or you are having any type of symptoms you really should go and get yourself treated at least once a year to make sure you haven’t contracted in infection such as chlamydia that is easily treatable.Please check out complete guide on Chlamydia Testing (


Watch Diane Tanaka, MD's video on Symptoms, treatment and consequences of Chlamydia...


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Diane Tanaka, MD

Adolescent Medicine Physician

Dr. Tanaka is an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics and the medical director of the Homeless Adolescent and Young Adult Wellness Center and the MyVOICE Adolescent Transition Program, both at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. Dr. Tanaka went to University of California, Davis for medical school and did her residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Tanaka's primary speciality is Adolescent Medicine, and her clinical interests include: menstrual disorders, substance use and abuse, and the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. She currently serves at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, and was awarded the Barbara Korsch Medical Education Award at CHLA in 2008 and listed in Castle Connely’s directory of top physicians in 2009.

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