How to organize and simplify your home

Tsh Oxenreider, Author & Blogger of "Simple Mom", shares advice for parents on how to organize and simplify your home and the benefits it can have for your family
How To Organize And Simplify Your Home - Family Advice
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How to organize and simplify your home

When people ask me about organizing, I think they expect answers to be something like where can they find the best boxes or organizing supplies for their home, but really, the best piece of advice I can give to starting the project of organizing or simplifying, is to think about who you are, and to think about what your family values, and to perhaps take that process of thinking, and craft a family purpose statement. When you do that, then you have a much clearer vision of what you care about, what your home's purpose is. Then from there you can start filtering through all your, you know, things, ideas, possessions, what you want to do with your home, and it becomes so much easier. So to me, that's the number one most important step, is just thinking about who you are as a family.

Tsh Oxenreider, Author & Blogger of "Simple Mom", shares advice for parents on how to organize and simplify your home and the benefits it can have for your family


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Tsh Oxenreider

Author & Blogger,

Tsh Oxenreider is the full-time blogger behind Simple Mom and the founder and creative director of Simple Living Media, a blog network dedicated to helping people live intentionally (while throwing perfection out the window). She thinks a library card, a Netflix subscription, and a passport are some of the greatest parenting tools in the universe. She’s a wife to Kyle, mama to Tate, Reed, and Finn, and is the author of Organized Simplicity and One Bite at a Time: 52 Bites for Making Life Simpler. She is currently working on her next book. Tsh and her nomadic family currently live in Bend, Oregon, but several dots around the globe have also been called home (her 7-year-old has been on 60 airplanes and counting). Together, they love to travel, read books, go camping, and make homemade pizza for Friday Family Movie Night.

Tsh writes about living simply and intentionally at Simple Mom, which was named one of the Top 100 Mom Blogs of 2012. She was also number 2 in the top 50 Twitter Moms of 2011, was named one of the Top 100 Mom Blogs of 2011, her blog was nominated for Best New Blog of 2008, and has been mentioned on Apartment Therapy, HGTV, Better Homes and Gardens, Food Network, CNBC, CNN, NPR, Parents Magazine, and more. She speaks frequently about blogging, writing, living intentionally, and motherhood in between changing diapers and hitting the 'publish' button. She is also an advocate for Compassion International, serving as one of their bloggers, and is a regular contributor at (in)courage. Tsh also records a podcast with Homefries called The Simple Mom Podcast, which during one week ranked second under NPR’s This American Life in most listened-to podcasts.

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