How I soothed a colicky baby

Mom Debi Cox discusses her experience with a colicky baby and what tricks helped her soothe her baby with colic.
How I soothed a colicky baby | Kids in the House
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How I soothed a colicky baby


Dealing with colic is a difficult place to be. It's so painful, and most of the time, so unexpected. What I did was -- the only thing I could think to do, I turned on the vacuum cleaner. He stopped crying. I turned on the vacuum cleaner and he would cry and cry, but that soothed him for a minute. We have one song, a Paul Simon song, that soothed him as well; so I would play that song. What I didn't do; I didn't reach out for help. I just wanted everything to be private and I didn't ask anyone for help. I so wish I had done that. I wish I had reached out to people. I also wish I would have done attachment parenting. I think that might have helped, in hindsight. I think if I wore my baby more. If I would have nursed him on demand. If I had co-slept, that might have soothed him. I also wish that I had a pediatrician that was more in line with my values. Someone that supported nursing on demand. Someone that supported attachment parenting, and one that would have just been there for me. Instead, I had a pediatrician that just said, "Just get through this. Don't let this baby run your life." It didn't work.

BABY, Colic

Mom Debi Cox discusses her experience with a colicky baby and what tricks helped her soothe her baby with colic.


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Debi Cox

Stay at Home Mom

Debi is a mom to two wonderful boys, ages seven and four. She lives in Culver City, CA and is a stay at home mom. Debi spends a good deal of her time caring for her seven year old high-functioning autistic son. She enjoys family time with her husband and boys, bike riding, yoga and swimming.  

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