The Happy Sleeper book

Julie Wright, MFT, author of "The Happy Sleeper" explains why she wrote her book
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The Happy Sleeper book

My book is called The Happy Sleeper and it's about infant and toddler's sleep. And this book really eminated out of a history that I have leading Mommy and Me groups. Years ago, I started to realize that there was an enormous need for more help with sleep. I found that over time many of the moms in my groups were getting more and more frustrated. Their babies were sleeping less well over time and the moms were getting so sleep deprived that often I would find them reaching a point of desperation where they would often come into the classroom and say in front of a classroom full of moms, they would say well, I had to do it. My doctor said I could. I just shut the door and didn't go in and there I would be having to try not to shame this mom, but very worried that the rest of the moms might also reach that point of desperation and do the same thing. I also thought that sleep is a natural process. Our sleep centers are actually in the stem of our and they're primitive and they're very strong, and I thought there's something wrong here why are so many people struggling with sleep? Why does it feel like parents have to choose between soothing their babies and having children or babies who sleep well. So I set out on a quest to try to figure this out and to work on and conceive of the most intelligent, and gentle, and logical way to bring sleep into the homes of the moms in my groups. So the title of the book, The Happy Sleeper what it means is happy meaning your child is nurtured, and loved, and feels safe can also be a child who sleeps well.

Julie Wright, MFT, author of "The Happy Sleeper" explains why she wrote her book


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Julie Wright, MFT

Psychotherapist & Author

Julie Wright, MFT is a marriage and family therapist with an extensive background in infant mental health and early childhood development.  She trained at Cedars Sinai Early Childhood Center and co-developed a program for parents and babies from 0-3 at LA Child Guidance Clinic. Julie specializes in mindful parenting, sleep issues and attachment theory.  She also works in private practice with infants, children, parents and adults.  Julie lives in Los Angeles with her son and often visits family on the east coast.

Julie has written the book, "The Happy Sleeper," Penguin 2014 with her colleague, Heather Turgeon, MFT. The Happy Sleeper gives the topic of baby sleep a fresh perspective. Their approach moves beyond old school ideas like “sleep training”—it’s grounded in research and shaped by new thinking. The Happy Sleeper gives you a clear, easy-to-follow system for transferring the role of independent sleep to your capable child, as they have done for thousands of families in their clinical practice.

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