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Adriana Sorgi's picture
Life Coach

Adriana is a life coach with a Master’s Degree in Spiritual Psychology.  She lives with her two children in West LA. Her mission is to empower other women to come forward and take a stand for themselves; to awaken their greatness and claim their power. To take responsibility for their own lives so they can discover how capable they really are. Women must learn to honor themselves so they can attract men that honors and respects them. She believes that we must first become what we want to teach our children so they can become fabulous grown-ups.  She’s passionate about helping women find their Joy and inner Peace. The key is to find clarity in who we are and what we are here for. "When we become clear the way opens and life becomes a playground."

How do you know when you’re really speaking your authentic voice? I’m talking about the voice that comes naturally from your core and that you can hear loud and clear because it comes from your deepest level of truth. It took me years to realize that the voice I was speaking with wasn’t my authentic voice. That little voice that is unsure and afraid of making an impact, afraid of being heard, afraid of making a mistake or even afraid of not sounding smart enough — most of all, afraid of being judged by others — that voice wasn’t the real me.
Dear Single Mom, While you might not have the perfect relationship with your Ex, one thing you certainly CAN have is peace of mind. From my own experience, I can tell you, You are NOT at the mercy of your Ex. He doesn’t own your power, YOU do, and it’s up to you whether or not you give it away to him. These are my top 5 basic tips to help set you free: 1. Do your inner work. Focus on you. Stop thinking so much about what he does or says. Remember, you can only control what YOU do.
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