Should you consider an immersion school for your child?

Learn about: Should you consider an immersion school for your child? from Ana L. Flores ,...
Should you consider an immersion school for your child? | Kids in the House
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Should you consider an immersion school for your child?

Dual language immersion schools have really taken off in the United States. They are becoming a lot more popular in the last years. I am very excited about it because it is actually one of the best ways to guarantee your child will be bilingual and also, biliterate. My daughter has actually just started a dual immersion program in Kindergarten, and I am so excited. Now I know, whatever I do, she will speak Spanish. The way the school works is a 90/10 program, meaning the kids are only learning in the minority language. In this case, 90 percent in Spanish and 10 percent in English. It starts increasing, 80/20, 70/30, until it reaches 50/50 in Fourth Grade. The kids are learning both languages and there is a mix of children, 50 percent are speaking their heritage language at home, and the other 50 percent is speaking another language 50 percent of the time. They mix together in the classroom and they help each other out. It makes the kids that speak Spanish really feel proud, because they bring something to the classroom. It's helping them to feel secure about the language they already know, and helping other kids learn it.

Learn about: Should you consider an immersion school for your child? from Ana L. Flores ,...


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Ana L. Flores

Author, Blogger & Entrepreneur

Ana L. Flores is co-founder of SpanglishBaby, the award-winning blog and online community for parents raising bilingual and bicultural kids, as well as co-author of the book, Bilingual is Better: Two Latina Moms on How the Bilingual Parenting Revolution is Changing the Face of America. A bicultural and bilingual Latina born in Houston, Ana was raised in El Salvador and lives with her familia in Los Angeles.

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