Rewarding good behavior

Chris Fulton, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for parents on the best practices for rewarding kids for their good behavior
Rewards For Kids For Good Behavior | Expert Parenting Advice
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Rewarding good behavior

In addition to using the natural contingencies like, "Oh, if you finish your room and clean it, then you get to go outside." You can add some nice rewards or privileges that they don't usually get. It doesn't necessarily need to be the trip to Disneyland, but it can be something like, "Hey, we might be able to watch an extra half hour of a program," or "Why don't we have a play date later this week. You've been really good at cleaning your room and taking out the trash." You can add some really nice rewards. It is nice when you do that intermittently because it is like a slot machine. If you have intermittent rewards, it really increases that behavior.

Chris Fulton, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for parents on the best practices for rewarding kids for their good behavior


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Chris Fulton, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Christopher Fulton is a licensed clinical psychologist and has been in private practice for over ten years. He received his doctorate in 1994 from the California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles. Dr. Fulton has clinical training and experience in a variety of settings, and also has administrative, teaching, supervision, consulting, research and psychological testing experience. Dr. Fulton provides consultation and ongoing therapy for children, adolescents and adults. He conducts group, individual, couples and family therapy and actively works with a variety of childhood disorders, including: adjustment disorder, ADHD, anxiety, depression, oppositional defiant and other emotional-behavioral disorders. Among his most frequent areas of concentration is divorce, for which Dr. Fulton offers therapy for all involved.

Utilizing research-supported methods in treatment, Dr. Fulton's approach to therapy involves a combination of cognitive-behavioral, family systems and interpersonal interventions. In his work with children, Dr. Fulton involves parents and assists them in developing appropriate responses to their children, since he believes that ultimately the parent will make the most significant impact on the child. Dr. Fulton helps parents establish appropriate boundaries, communication and methods of discipline in order to increase positive relationships with their children.

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