Challenges and rewards of being a doula

Watch Video: Challenges and rewards of being a doula by Ana Paula Markel, ...
Challenges and rewards of being a doula | Kids in the House
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Challenges and rewards of being a doula

The most challenging part about being a doula I would say is being on-call. It's very hard not to be able to plan family outings or guarantee that you're gonna be in the holiday or at your child's birthday. It is also very hard on our bodies. Sometimes a long labor will take days for us to recover; we feel sore, extremely tired. The biggest benefit of being doula is that we get to see the best in people. We see the best of people coming out. Child birth is one of the most transformational experience that a mother will go through and a couple will go through, and we get to witness this young lady becoming a woman, finding her voice, finding her power; that is one of the most beautiful things to witness. And the birth of that mother, the birth of the baby, it's never just the birth of the baby. The birth of the baby is the birth of the woman as a mother, of that partner as a co-parent, and of that family unit.

Watch Video: Challenges and rewards of being a doula by Ana Paula Markel, ...


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Ana Paula Markel


Ana Paula Markel is the mother of four children. Having experienced two cesarean births, a medicated vaginal birth and a natural birth (in that order,) Ana Paula discovered a passionate interest in the childbirth process. Her goal is to assist mothers and families to explore the many options available in childbirth and to take responsibility for their choices.

Ana Paula has been teaching a very fun and active childbirth preparation workshop in Los Angeles for the past nine years and has supported hundreds of families during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Ana is also a doula trainer for DONA International and has been mentoring new doulas for the past six years. Ana Paula is honored to serve as Director of International Development for DONA International and to be on the advisory board for PAM (Pregnancy Awareness month.) In 2008 Ana founded BINI Birth, a center in Los Angeles dedicated to the childbirth education field, doula training and green pregnancy retail. BINI offers a variety of classes for pregnant couples and new parents. BINI offers yoga, Hypnobirthing, breastfeeding classes and support groups for new mothers and Ana’s very popular workshops. BINI Birth is also the premiere doula referral service in Los Angeles. Ana Paula is passionate about connecting families of all backgrounds with their ideal birth support.

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