Explaining opposition to circumcision
Obstetrician Mike Brisinger, MD, explains why some people are opposed to routine circumcisions in newborn males
The negative ideas or the negative thoughts about circumcision right now in the US and also in Europe is mainly that it's considered by some to be genital mutilation. Basically, you're cutting a healthy child's penis for really no good reason.
And a lot of people who are worried talk about ethics – is it okay without the child's consent? Is it okay to expose a child to the risk of surgery for, some people say, a very little medical benefit? And also in Europe, traditionally, most men are not circumcised whereas in the US most men are. So there's always this debate between the US and Europe what is beneficial.
But also now in the public there's a lot of vocal groups trying to ban completely routine male circumcision, especially in San Francisco and I believe also here in Santa Monica, California.
Obstetrician Mike Brisinger, MD, explains why some people are opposed to routine circumcisions in newborn males
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Mikael Brisinger, MDObstetrician
Dr. Mikael N Brisinger practices Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. He has been practicing medicine for over 22 years. Dr. Brisinger did his residency at UCLA Medical Center and has been on the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology since 1997. He is a native to Sweden, and has five children. He loves outdoor activities and spending quality with his kids.
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