Eating and drinking during labor

OBGYN Mike Brisinger, MD, explains whether or not it is safe to eat or drink while in labor, and why it can be a bad idea if you have to have an emergency section
Is It Safe To Eat or Drink In Labor? - Expert Pregnancy Guide
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Eating and drinking during labor

Eat and drink is something that a lot of people argue about. It's generally safe if you have a simple vaginal delivery. The reason so many doctors, and especially anesthesiologists, who give you anesthesia, epidurals etc are concerned about you eating is because if you have to have an emergency section and have to go under anesthesia, you should generally go to sleep, then there is a risk that you can actually vomit up the food that you just ate and it could go down into your lungs and cause something called aspiration, which can actually kill you or cause severe lung damage. But if you have an uncomplicated delivery, especially if it like your second or third child, it's probably ok to have a light meal, drink and eat some once during labor.

OBGYN Mike Brisinger, MD, explains whether or not it is safe to eat or drink while in labor, and why it can be a bad idea if you have to have an emergency section


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Mikael Brisinger, MD



Dr. Mikael N Brisinger practices Obstetrics and Gynecology at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. He has been practicing medicine for over 22 years. Dr. Brisinger did his residency at UCLA Medical Center and has been on the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology since 1997. He is a native to Sweden, and has five children. He loves outdoor activities and spending quality with his kids. 

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