Having a one-on-one behavioral aide at school

Learn about: Having a one-on-one behavioral aide at school from Debi Cox,...
Having a one-on-one behavioral aide at school | Kids in the House
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Having a one-on-one behavioral aide at school

My son has a one-on-one behavioral aide with him at his mainstream kindergarden class, and it has helped us tremendously. It helped the transition, which is a hard transition from preschool to kindergarden, and it helped his anxiety level. It helped my anxiety level. He had a familiar person there. And it helps in the day to day in helping him build relationships, helping him enter into play, helping him speak appropriately. And the aide is utilized in a way that he helps my son when he needs help and then he fades back and helps the rest of the class. So also he is not singled out. It´s like he is just another teacher who just kind of focuses on my son and then helps out the teacher. And it is working beautifully. And it is hard to get.

Learn about: Having a one-on-one behavioral aide at school from Debi Cox,...


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Debi Cox

Stay at Home Mom

Debi is a mom to two wonderful boys, ages seven and four. She lives in Culver City, CA and is a stay at home mom. Debi spends a good deal of her time caring for her seven year old high-functioning autistic son. She enjoys family time with her husband and boys, bike riding, yoga and swimming.  

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