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Definition and Symptoms

The Warning Signs of Autism

What is Autism? Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by cognitive impairments, social impairments, communication difficulties, and repetitive behaviors. Autism is a spectrum disorder which can range from very mild to severe symptoms and occurs in all ethnic, socioeconomic, and age groups. Males are four times more likely to have autism than females. In some children there are no symptoms of autism before age 1 or 2 and then suddenly they “regress” and begin to display symptoms.

Dr. Jerry Kartzinel, a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, experienced autism firsthand with his son.

“Often I'm asked what my definition of autism is and, of course, there is the standard definition: children who have problems with communicating, repetitive motion, abnormal toy play, social skills, are delayed,” says Dr. Kartzinel, “But really what I look at in a child is how many responses to stimuli the child responds to abnormally.”

Children with autism often display oversensitivity or under-sensitivity to their environments ... Read more

Jane Tavyev Asher, MD, explains how some environmental factors and toxins are possibly contributing to the ongoing rise in Autism in children
Learn about: Genetic and environmental factors for the rise in Autism from Jane Tavyev Asher, MD,...
View Jane Tavyev Asher, MD's video on Falling under the radar with Autism and understanding the spectrum...
how to spot autism
Autism spectrum disorder affects a person's behavior and interaction with the world around them. read more
Kids in the House
Autism spectrum disorder or ASD, is an umbrella term f
Join our #KITHangout “AUTISM DISCUSSION: Raising A Child With Special Needs” on Thursday, May 14th at 12:30pm PT! It's a Google Hangout hosted by Kids In... read more
Learn about: Correlation between lead poisoning and behavioral disorders from Tamara Elise Rubin,...
Leonardo Trasande, MD, explains how the increases in autism diagnosis may be related to environmental chemicals and which environmental factors could be behind the rise... read more
Jane Tavyev Asher, MD, explains how important early diagnosis is in autism, and how early detection can improve outcomes for children
Watch Jane Tavyev Asher, MD's video on DSM-V's diagnosis of Asperger's and Autism...
Pediatrician Jerry Kartzinel, MD, discusses the high epileptic rate amongst children with autism and the types of seizures that children with autism are most likely to... read more
Learn about: Glutathione levels and how they impact autism from Jerry Kartzinel, MD,...
Sarah Clifford Scheflen, Speech Language Pathologist, explains autism and the autism spectrum.
Debi Cox shares her experience with autism and picky eating.
Learn about: What are the most common deficits of autism? from Sarah Clifford Scheflen, MS, CCC-SLP,...
Sarah Clifford Scheflen, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech Language Pathologist, explains what echolalia is, how it often affects children with Autism, and how it can be treated
Sarah Clifford Scheflen, Speech-Language Pathologist, shares advice for parents on how to recognize the early warning signs of autism in young children
Watch Debi Cox's video on First signs of autism...
View Jerry Kartzinel, MD's video on Different types of autism...
See Jerry Kartzinel, MD's video on Expected and unexpected signs of autism...
Watch Video: How to help children with undiagnosed or mild autism by John Ratey, MD, ...
View Jerry Kartzinel, MD's video on Definition of autism...
See Allison Kawa, PsyD's video on The psychological side of autism spectrum disorders...
Watch Video: The first signs of autism by Stephanie Rotondi, ...
Watch Video: Recognizing the first signs of autism by Hyman Katz, ...
View Val Fein's video on Differences between autism and Asperger Syndrome...
Learn about: Quirkiness vs. autism from Allison Kawa, PsyD,...
Watch Video: The double-edged sword of autism spectrum disorders by Allison Kawa, PsyD, ...
Child Psychologist Allison Kawa, PhD, shares advice for parents on what the most common early signs of autism are in toddlers or preschool age children
Learn about: High-functioning autism vs. Asperger's from Allison Kawa, PsyD,...
Child Psychologist Allison Kawa, PhD, explains for parents what the earliest signs of autism or other developmental delays are in babies
See Allison Kawa, PsyD's video on What autism looks like...
See Esther Hess, PhD's video on Autism causes and treatments...
View Allison Kawa, PsyD's video on Different types of autism spectrum disorders...

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