How unschooling creates innovative thinkers

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How unschooling creates innovative thinkers

My goals in unschooling probably sound a lot like all parents' goals for their children, I want them to be happy, I want them to be self fulfilled, I want them to be critical thinkers, innovative thinkers, problem solvers. I want them to know what makes their heart sing. I want them to feel confident to go out and do what they want and to know what they want. I'd like for my children to not follow the status quo and become a robot in the system. I think that the world is changing really fast and jobs and employment are changing really fast. And so I feel that unschooling is going to provide them with an inner strength and direction to really go after and be connected to the world around them.

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Amanda Enclade

Unschooling Mom

Amanda Enclade is passionate about progressive parenting and education. She helped her first son to leave high school in 10th grade to pursue a self-paced, interested-based course of study. He is now in college in NYC. Amanda calls this form of homeschooling “do-it-yourself education,” and continues to pursue this path with her seven and nine year old sons.

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