Standardized testing disadvantages

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Standardized testing disadvantages

I think standardized testing is a problem, not only for our school system, but for our society as a whole. It is draining already limited financial resources on our state and educational systems. It seeks to assess children and teachers in an unmeaningful way. It tests children on one particular day, at one particular time, on very obscure questions. Sometimes a questions that are inappropriate for the age of children. Sometimes questions that are culturally insignificant to different children. Standardized testing takes away from real learning at schools. It is such a high-stakes game. Teachers are pressured to cram so much curriculum and so much of the state standards in such a tiny bit of time, that the children don't get the depth of understanding they need to become great learners. Instead, their learning is ran through one ear and out the other. Our schools end up with less money because they state says we need to get high test scores to get more money. I feel that financial resources were better put to use on real assessments. Assessments where teachers really see what children do, what they know, and how they show what they know. I feel that, as a parent, every other parent should know their rights. It's different by states. In California, parents have the right to opt out of standardized testing. We don't need to allow our children to be a part of this educational game the state is playing with us.

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Mimi Lichterman

Mom & Educator

Mimi is a full-time mom and part-time educator. She has terrific nine-year-old twin sons and a wonderful and supportive husband of 15 years. She worked full time as a primary grade teacher until she and her husband decided to work on having a family. When her sons were in kindergarten, she returned to teaching part-time. Working part time at their school is a wonderful opportunity for her to take part in their school lives as well as to stay connected to education. She strives to achieve a healthy lifestyle for her family by balancing health, fun, learning, and green choices. She enriches her  family time by playing all kinds of card, board, word, and strategy games. She also likes to spread the fun by sharing the family's love of games with friends and extended family.

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