What you can learn from your teen

Learn about: What you can learn from your teen from Marushka Mujic,...
What you can learn from your teen | Kids in the House
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What you can learn from your teen

When a parent allows themselves to be open about learning from their teenager, rather than constantly imposing their ideas on them, a parent is able to see a very fresh take on life. We are able to see a newness in age-old aspects of life, conflict, turbulence, inner confusion, that our teenagers are going through in the moment. This means if we have an open dialog with our teenager, and they feel comfortable talking to us about how they feel about the world and the struggles they are going through, we are able to re-exam our lives and how we live on a day-to-day basis. What we may be able to create as a stronger reality for ourselves, while we watch someone who is going through a great time of transition.

Learn about: What you can learn from your teen from Marushka Mujic,...


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Marushka Mujic

Global Youth Ambassador

Marushka Mujic is a creative artist, activist, social entrepreneur and global youth ambassador. After beginning secondary education at NYU, Marushka returned to her hometown of Los Angeles and founded the GoodMakers Street Team (youth division of parent nonprofit GoodMakers Films), empowering young artists, athletes and activists to facilitate local community initiatives, thereby inspiring global change. With a background in theatre, music and journalism, Marushka leads various creative initiatives worldwide, ranging from documentary films to arts festivals. Her multi-faceted work aims to focus modern media toward facilitation of global, intergenerational communication.

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