Avoiding conflict with your teenager
Avoiding conflict with your teenager might be difficult, but global youth ambassador Marushka Mujic reassures parents that these stages are inherent to growth and development and gives some great tips to help parents through it.
In being realistic, we must acknowledge that there will most likely be some, at least minor conflicts with an adolescent, as it is very naturally inherent to the process for a teenager to push the limits and regulations of what has been and where they feel that they want to now go in their new independent life. But throughout the process it's very possible to neutralize the situation by being as open and honest as possible. This means acknowledging when things are difficult for you as well as a parent, and reminding them that you, yourself, are just an individual who is trying to best support their growth process. This will allow the teenager to remember that neither of you are supposed to be perfect and will allow everyone to be very honest and co-create solutions rather than feel that they need to battle amongst egos.
Avoiding conflict with your teenager might be difficult, but global youth ambassador Marushka Mujic reassures parents that these stages are inherent to growth and development and gives some great tips to help parents through it.
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Marushka MujicGlobal Youth Ambassador
Marushka Mujic is a creative artist, activist, social entrepreneur and global youth ambassador. After beginning secondary education at NYU, Marushka returned to her hometown of Los Angeles and founded the GoodMakers Street Team (youth division of parent nonprofit GoodMakers Films), empowering young artists, athletes and activists to facilitate local community initiatives, thereby inspiring global change. With a background in theatre, music and journalism, Marushka leads various creative initiatives worldwide, ranging from documentary films to arts festivals. Her multi-faceted work aims to focus modern media toward facilitation of global, intergenerational communication.
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