Lessons of a curfew

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Lessons of a curfew | Kids in the House
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Lessons of a curfew

Curfews are an important discipline at any age. It teaches children that what your family rules are. It teaches them to respect the parent. And, it teaches pride when the see that they had achieved that parent's respect. The issue with curfews is they can start at a very early age. Most people think that curfews are only for teens. The reality is that they start with play dates. They start with being on the playground, when mom and dad say it's time to go. Your words are your rule. And, that starts teaching them something at an early age, that when they get to the middle school and high school age, it might keep them a lot safer.

Watch Video: Lessons of a curfew by Kelly Townsend, MS, ...


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Kelly Townsend, MS

Speaker, Author & Mom

Miles To Go’s Kelly and her husband Jonathan are professional speakers, writers and parents who specialize in drug prevention education for students, teachers and parents. Working from their base in Southern California, they have spent the past 17 years lecturing in the private school community using humor, science and multi-sensory teaching techniques to simplify a complex subject. Their first book, Not All Kids Do Drugs came out in 2010 and their second The Mother’s Checklist of Drug Prevention in 2011. Their third book, Where’s The Party was published in 2012.


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