Single mom dating tips and how to keep your kids safe

Relationship and Parenting Expert Wendy Walsh, PhD, shares advice for single mothers on how they can keep their children emotionally and physically safe when dating
How To Keep Your Kids Safe As A Single Mom When Dating | Kids in the House
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Single mom dating tips and how to keep your kids safe

You know, there are 14 million single mothers in America raising one in four American children. It used to be that a mother's place used to be the home, and now it seems to be the gym and the bar. And we have this quaint expression called MILF for these young moms with children who are out there on the dating scene. The best advice I can give you ladies is to protect your children from your romantic life. They don't deserve to be dragged through your romantic mud, first of all, because they can form attachments to those incoming and outgoing men, and then they have an attachment injury when boyfriend number four leaves. That's the first problem. The second problem is that one of the most dangerous places for an American child to live is in a home with a non-biological male, i.e. mommy's boyfriend or stepfather. Those children have 11 times the rate of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, so it's really important that you protect your children, to be really sure this guy's the one, until you're really sure that he can have the capacity to give to some other dude's kids. Okay? Think about it. Think before you put your children at risk. I don't believe in dating "playdates"--"Oh, let's just bring the kids to the park together" with other single dads. It's very, very confusing for small kids so find adequate childcare, find time, and have adult time with yourself.

Relationship and Parenting Expert Wendy Walsh, PhD, shares advice for single mothers on how they can keep their children emotionally and physically safe when dating


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Wendy Walsh, PhD

Relationship & Parenting Expert

Dr. Wendy Walsh was nominated for an Emmy Award for her work as co-host on The Dr. Phil spinoff, The Doctors TV show. She also hosts Investigation Discovery Network’s “Happily NEVER After,” as well as being part of Dr. Drew’s Behavior Bureau on HLN Network. On CNN and 9 Network, Australia, she breaks down the psychology of sex, love, gender roles, divorce, parenting and other human behaviors. Dr. Wendy is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at California State University, Channel Islands. She holds a B.A. in Journalism, a Masters degree in Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and is the author of three books and numerous publications, including The 30-Day Love Detox. She appears regularly on The Today Show, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, The Steve Harvey Show, The O’Reilly Factor, Inside Edition, The Katie Couric Show, Jane Velez-Mitchell, and The View.

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