What to do about your daughter and sexy Halloween costumes

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What to do about your daughter and sexy Halloween costumes | Kids in the House
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What to do about your daughter and sexy Halloween costumes

Its interesting. I was in a Halloween costume store just last night and it was clear the pornification of America has gone everywhere. It's one thing to have the adult side filled with adult fashions. Wasn't Halloween supposed to be scary, by the way? There was nothing scary about anything. It was only sexy. Then I went over to the kids department where it was sort of sexy-scary. And then it was kind of these princesses and these sort of sexy looking witches with very short skirts etc. At the end of the day I was having a tough time trying to find something that I felt was acceptable for a 10 year old girl to wear at the Halloween parade at school. And of-course, it will end when mothers stop purchasing the stuff. The bottom line is, you decide ahead of time before you walk into a store. You make very clear guidelines of what your child can and can't wear and you be firm and convicted with yourself about what's right for you and your family and don't let the static of the sales world get involved with you. Secondly do not let your child go into the adult side of any costume store. Right now that is a dangerous place to be for a kid. Finally, if you can't take the whining and complaining and wanting something that's in appropriate then why don't you just go during the day, buy three costumes, come home and say," Which would you like?" And go and return the other two when they're gone back to school.

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Wendy Walsh, PhD

Relationship & Parenting Expert

Dr. Wendy Walsh was nominated for an Emmy Award for her work as co-host on The Dr. Phil spinoff, The Doctors TV show. She also hosts Investigation Discovery Network’s “Happily NEVER After,” as well as being part of Dr. Drew’s Behavior Bureau on HLN Network. On CNN and 9 Network, Australia, she breaks down the psychology of sex, love, gender roles, divorce, parenting and other human behaviors. Dr. Wendy is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at California State University, Channel Islands. She holds a B.A. in Journalism, a Masters degree in Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and is the author of three books and numerous publications, including The 30-Day Love Detox. She appears regularly on The Today Show, CBS This Morning, Good Morning America, The Steve Harvey Show, The O’Reilly Factor, Inside Edition, The Katie Couric Show, Jane Velez-Mitchell, and The View.

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