Role modeling self-confidence to kids
Learn about: Role modeling self-confidence to kids from Traci Cummings,...
I have to deal with my kids sometimes wanting to be a different person than I am.
When I look at myself, I think I am exactly the mother I always wanted to have. When my daughter looks at me in horror when someone says, "She looks just like you." She has this freaked out expression on her face. It gives me the opportunity to say to her, "I like who I am. I like looking this way. I feel comfortable. You do what you feel is comfortable. You can look however you want to look."
Because I very much like who I am, I think my kids understand that at least they have a mother who likes who she is and I think it helps them appreciate who they are.
Learn about: Role modeling self-confidence to kids from Traci Cummings,...
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Traci CummingsUnconventional Mom
Traci Cummings is a divorced, self-described unconventional mom of two children, ages seven and five. When she isn't preparing meals, cleaning up or playing card games with her children, she is busy trying to spread the word about babywearing. Traci – who is a strong advocate of breastfeeding, the family bed and instinctual parenting – believes her children are the teachers providing daily lessons to further her practice as a parent.
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