How to discuss gender and sexual orientation with kids
Learn about: How to discuss gender and sexual orientation with kids from Traci Cummings,...
We got a lot of opportunities to talk about gender and sexual orientation living in a very diversity where there are all sorts of family types and family groups. From the start of when my kids were little, they've seen different family dynamics. As they've gotten older, they've started to ask a few more questions and specifically with personally to me in being divorced and then talking to my children about the fact that because my daughter automatically just assumed I'd be looking for a boyfriend and I had to sit her down and explain to her I don't make any real distinction. I fall in love with who I fall in love with and the gender doesn't really come in to play most of the time. Just because someone's my same gender doesn't take that person out of the equation just like if it's someone who's the opposite gender. If it's someone who I feel love for, I feel love for them and I hope that they'll have that same sense of acceptance. They certainly accept me and when they meet other different families, it doesn't seem to face them at all.
Learn about: How to discuss gender and sexual orientation with kids from Traci Cummings,...
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Traci CummingsUnconventional Mom
Traci Cummings is a divorced, self-described unconventional mom of two children, ages seven and five. When she isn't preparing meals, cleaning up or playing card games with her children, she is busy trying to spread the word about babywearing. Traci – who is a strong advocate of breastfeeding, the family bed and instinctual parenting – believes her children are the teachers providing daily lessons to further her practice as a parent.
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