Adult-centered activities for mother and baby

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Adult-centered activities for mother and baby | Kids in the House
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Adult-centered activities for mother and baby

Having a young baby is having a constant companion who may or may not behave in the right way when you go out in public. However, I would encourage you to keep making those steps out of the house and go to the places you like to go. Can you find a friend and meet her at a cafe and just enjoy your time together? If instead you need it in a to-go cup and that cafe date turns into a walk, at least you're still connecting with a friend. Another great outing is to meet your partner or another friend at work. Everybody loves a cute baby in the office and you get some adult time as well. One thing I did when my babies were small is I took them to the movies. Many cities have mom and baby showings in the evening and those are great. I have been to many of those. But if that's not offered in your area, you can also just go to a daytime matinee. Usually there's not that many people there. Again, meet a girlfriend. You can take turns holding the baby or walking the baby outside. But it is a lot of fun. So those are three activities that you can still do even if you have your little sidekick.

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Heather Gibbs Flett

Blogger & Author

Heather Gibbs Flett co-founded, a website dedicated to helping women have more fun in the first years of motherhood, after discovering how intensely amazing, exhausting, boring, and delightful it was to become a mom. She was a bossy big sister, industrial engineer, and web producer before reinventing herself as a mother blogger. She lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and three sons. If Heather had any spare time, she would love to travel and see more live music.

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