Surviving dinnertime every freaking day
Heather Gibbs Flett, Blogger & Author, shares advice for parents on how to create a meal plan for your family and be prepared to make your family dinner every night
Something I learned about having children is that they need to eat every single day. It can be overwhelming, especially dinner time. So, I like to meal plan, i like to sit down on a Sunday and sometimes I can even get my husband do all the grocery shopping. But this is not always happen. So my 3 tips for "Oh my God it 6 and they need to eat again" is 1 have some go to meals that are super easy and that is always in your fridge. I admit my 30 sec. dinner is hot-dog's. My 5 min. dinner is Case to diaz, have a few things that you can make easily that the kids will eat and just keep it there and it does not have to be the best dinner ever. The next tip is that as your up and about for the day, keep your eyes open for good take out and side dishes that could compliment your delicious hot-dog dinner. So if I get a healthy grain salad when I am near the pediatrician, i will get new dehli, I know that I am supplementing with something that makes it look like a little more like a real meal. And my third tip is, love your freezer, your freezer is there for a reason and here is the reason. You need to be able to defrost food, it could be frozen pizza, sure or if your making something and if you are good at the effort of making some beef stew, make a little extra and freeze some for that day when all you can do is microwave for 4 mins. By the way, you should always label the food that you put into your freezer, I know you remember it and recognize it now but when it comes the time to defrost, you want to know what the mystery orange is. So, this is some of the things that I have learned from my kids having to eat every single day and hopefully some of them will work for you.
Heather Gibbs Flett, Blogger & Author, shares advice for parents on how to create a meal plan for your family and be prepared to make your family dinner every night
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Heather Gibbs FlettBlogger & Author
Heather Gibbs Flett co-founded, a website dedicated to helping women have more fun in the first years of motherhood, after discovering how intensely amazing, exhausting, boring, and delightful it was to become a mom. She was a bossy big sister, industrial engineer, and web producer before reinventing herself as a mother blogger. She lives in Berkeley, CA with her husband and three sons. If Heather had any spare time, she would love to travel and see more live music.
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