The different paths to adoption

Learn about: The different paths to adoption from Kathy Gordon,...
The different paths to adoption | Kids in the House
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The different paths to adoption

There are so many different avenues to go through to adopt. You can go through a private agency, a lawyer handling a private adoption, an agency that works with The Department of Family Services, an International Adoption. Or you can go directly to The Department of Family Services, DCFS. That's the route I chose to adopt domestically through the county because, first of all, I believe that charity begins at home, and there are so many kids right here in our city that need homes and need parents. Secondly, I'm a single parent, and the county doesn't care what your marital status is, your race, your preference, your sexual orientation, or even your income, as long as you are stable. Truthfully, I was a little afraid to go through that whole array of having a birth mom pick you out from an array of parents. Lastly, the whole process cost me $50 to take a CPR class. DCFS paid for all the fees. DCFS also provides adoption assistance, so my son gets a stipend until he is 18, along with medical until he is 18. I thought that was the best route for me, to adopt domestically through the County.

Learn about: The different paths to adoption from Kathy Gordon,...


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Kathy Gordon

Parent Educator

Kathy Gordon is the single adoptive mother of a very spirited nine year-old boy, but was not prepared for the challenges of parenting a child whose brain was developed under stress. When her son was three, Kathy had the good fortune of taking parenting classes with Ruth Beaglehole, founding Director of the Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting, (, and she realized this powerful compassionate method of working with children was something she wanted to teach. She has been a teacher, director and coach most of her adult life. Kathy was certified as a Parent Educator through the Center for Nonviolent Education and Parenting in May of 2008, and will now continue her training by becoming a Certified Hand-in-Hand Parenting Parent Educator. Kathy works with families individually, teaches parenting classes and facilitates trainings for educators and schools communities. Her practice is called Unconditional Connection because we all long for connection, and we long to be unconditionally loved. We live in a society in which we are continually judged by our behavior. Kathy offers research-based information and tools to help people look underneath and beyond the behavior, so that we may be more unconditionally connected thus creating a world of cooperation and peace. 

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