Meet Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD

Watch Video: Meet Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD by Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD, ...
Meet Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD | Kids in the House
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Meet Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD

I am Dr. Maoshing Ni. Most people call me Dr. Mao. I practice Chinese medicine which includes acupuncture or nutritional therapies, but it's not about just that. What I do is I try to help facilitate the healing process in my patients, so be it mind, body or spirit. I will sometimes be a counselor, sometimes be a nutritionist, sometimes be a baby sitter, whatever it takes. My hobbies are I love walking in the hills, spending time in nature, I practice Tai chi; I meditate. I love life, I have 3 kids, a wonderful wife and I am blessed.
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Watch Video: Meet Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD by Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD, ...


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Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD

Doctor of Chinese Medicine

Dr. Mao Shing Ni, also known as Dr. Mao, is a bestselling author, doctor of Chinese Medicine and an authority on integrative nutrition.  He practices with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Santa Monica and Newport Beach, California, specializing in family medicine, women’s health and pediatrics. Dr. Mao is the co-founder of Yo San University in Los Angeles where he trains healthcare professionals in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.  He is a highly sought after speaker and has been featured in numerous media including the NY Times, Dr. Oz, The Doctors and PBS radio.  Dr. Mao writes as a Health Expert on Yahoo and Huffington Post.  For more information on his best-seller, Secrets of Self Healing, log onto

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