Treating skin conditions with Chinese medicine

Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shares advice for parents on how Chinese medicine can be used to help treat skin rashes conditions in children
Skin Rashes In Children - Treating Skin Rashes With Chinese Medicine
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Treating skin conditions with Chinese medicine

In our office, we treat children's problems all the time, particularly, skin problems like eczema. Eczema is a situation where you have a young child whose immune system isn't quite formed correctly, and they are overwhelmed with so many factors that are immune to the body. The immune system will react in a very hyper way, by attacking the skin. Mistaking the skin as harboring something foreign. As a result, you have horrible itching, scratching and rash all night long. This is something very personal to me because one of my three kids suffered with a horrible case of eczema as a child. We were able to resolve this issue completely with Chinese medicine. What's nice about it is, out of all my three kids, she has the best skin now. So in the case of treatment, we use acupuncture to modulate the immune system, to calm it down, herbs to nourish and heal the skin, as well as, topical to control the itching. In this case, the results have been really phenomenal. I would suggest to all parents out there, if your child suffers from eczema and you don't want to use the big guns like the steroids or immune suppressants, try Chinese acupuncture first. I guarantee, within three months, you will see substantial improvement.

Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shares advice for parents on how Chinese medicine can be used to help treat skin rashes conditions in children


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Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD

Doctor of Chinese Medicine

Dr. Mao Shing Ni, also known as Dr. Mao, is a bestselling author, doctor of Chinese Medicine and an authority on integrative nutrition.  He practices with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Santa Monica and Newport Beach, California, specializing in family medicine, women’s health and pediatrics. Dr. Mao is the co-founder of Yo San University in Los Angeles where he trains healthcare professionals in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.  He is a highly sought after speaker and has been featured in numerous media including the NY Times, Dr. Oz, The Doctors and PBS radio.  Dr. Mao writes as a Health Expert on Yahoo and Huffington Post.  For more information on his best-seller, Secrets of Self Healing, log onto

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