Stay-at-home dad obstacles to overcome

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Stay-at-home dad obstacles to overcome | Kids in the House
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Stay-at-home dad obstacles to overcome

In my journey as a stay-at-home dad, obviously, have obstacles I have to overcome. One obstacle has been the fact that, when I was working, I had a job that I loved. I loved my job. I had to take that love and transfer it to a new idea and a new identity as a dad. In actuality, it shouldn't be that big of a deal because being a parent is the hardest job in the world, the most noble job in the world, and you should love the most. It should be easy to transfer that love from one to the other. The other obstacle that I've really had to deal with, in general, is the external. Other people's opinions of me, thinking I'm less of a man, less of a person because I've decided to stay at home with my kids. I think that is ridiculous. In that way, I have overcome that obstacle.

Watch Video: Stay-at-home dad obstacles to overcome by Scott Lenz, ...


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Scott Lenz

Stay-at-Home Dad

Scott Lenz was born in Lewisberg, Pennsylvania. By the time he reached 9th grade, he had been to eight schools, which explains a lot about his social awkwardness. However, his wife Suzanne and two kids - Jaron, 13 and Georgia, 10 - went to less than five schools combined, so it all evens out.

He was the original rat mascot for Chuck E. Cheese, and since then has been a record store manager, music journalist, television documentarian and, most recently and importantly, a stay-at-home dad. His single greatest hope is that ABBA will one day reunite.

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