Should we teach twins to share?

Joan Friedman, PhD Psychologist & Twin Expert, shares advice for parents of twins on why twins shouldn't be taught to share between themselves and the benefits that doing so can have
Raising Twins | Should Parents Teach Twins To Share
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Should we teach twins to share?

Teaching twins to share is as silly as teaching a bird to fly or a fish to swim. Twins have already shared the womb for nine months. After they are born, they have to share their mother, they have to wait their turn, they even have to share a birthday. We have to teach twins not to share. A way you can go about doing this is have special toys or special things that are labeled and only belongs to them. For example, Andrew has green balls and Josh has red balls. Andrew is going to decide if he is going to share those balls or not. It is just a very important way to promote a sense of ownership for twins. It is very important to help them develop a sense of uniqueness and individuality.

Joan Friedman, PhD Psychologist & Twin Expert, shares advice for parents of twins on why twins shouldn't be taught to share between themselves and the benefits that doing so can have


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Joan Friedman, PhD

Psychologist & Twin Expert

Dr. Joan A. Friedman is a prominent and well-respected twin expert who shares her passionate views and insights about twins and their emotional needs with twins and their families throughout the world. The fact that she is an identical twin and the mother of five, including fraternal twin sons, makes her ideally suited to this task. Her commitment to twin research and her treatment of twins of all ages demonstrate the breadth and depth of her skills and experience. She conducts ongoing groups for parents of twins and provides consultation on twin related matters such as school placements, developmental discrepancies, and behavioral issues.

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