Tips for dealing with infant twins

Joan Friedman, PhD Psychologist & Twin Expert, shares advice for new parents with twins on how to deal with the seemingly overwhelming ask of raising two babies at once
Raising Twins | Tips For Dealing With Infant Twins
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Tips for dealing with infant twins

It is overwhelming to handle two babies at one time. Even if you have managed a company of 45 people or run your own business with a sense of calm and confidence, having two babies at one time will bring anyone to the end of their rope. There are things that you can do to make it a little bit better. A lot of people like to put babies on the same feeding and eating schedules, so you can carve out some time for yourself. Also, it's a great idea to join mother's of twins group, so that you can see how mother's who have been in the trenches have managed it. Maybe learn the tricks of the trade. It is also important to expect that there is going to be emotional challenges when you raise twins. Expect to have different feelings toward the different twins. Remember, temperament shapes biology. Biology and temperament illicit different feelings between you and your baby. Remember to raise emotionally healthy twins. Allow yourself to feel the differences, so that you can use that to get to know each baby, so that you can be attached to each baby as an individual being.

Joan Friedman, PhD Psychologist & Twin Expert, shares advice for new parents with twins on how to deal with the seemingly overwhelming ask of raising two babies at once


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Joan Friedman, PhD

Psychologist & Twin Expert

Dr. Joan A. Friedman is a prominent and well-respected twin expert who shares her passionate views and insights about twins and their emotional needs with twins and their families throughout the world. The fact that she is an identical twin and the mother of five, including fraternal twin sons, makes her ideally suited to this task. Her commitment to twin research and her treatment of twins of all ages demonstrate the breadth and depth of her skills and experience. She conducts ongoing groups for parents of twins and provides consultation on twin related matters such as school placements, developmental discrepancies, and behavioral issues.

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